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MVHS Parking Pass

Receiving a parking pass for MVHS does not guarantee you will get a parking spot.  The pass only grants you access to the school parking lot.  

Each student will be asked to produce a valid driver's license when they pick up the pass.  A learners permit does not allow a student to drive to school by themselves.

Freshmen students are NOT allowed to drive to school. We do not have enough space to accommodate 4 class levels of drivers.  This includes freshmen that may get their license during the school year,


  • Students driving on campus will display prudent and cautious driving behavior at all times. Reckless driving and speeding will be dealt with severely.  The administration and the local law enforcement will determine the punishment for this type of driving.  MVHS administration may suspend parking and driving privileges at any time.
  • Please use the above link to register.
  • Some helpful information you will need to register for a pass:
  • Year, make, model, color, and license plate number of the vehicle you will be driving
  • The student driver must have a valid Kansas Class C driver's license. 
  • Students must show their driver's license to receive the pass.   Sophomores may register but will have to wait until they are selected. 

Click Here - Parking Pass Request

If you have any questions about passes and parking, please contact Office Hillman.