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Chemistry Honor Society


Why we exist: The Chemistry Honors Society provides an opportunity for students of chemistry to learn more about the profession and its applications. It was started by students in expressing their desire to learn more about chemistry, spread knowledge and the joy of chemistry, and foster a school community of chemistry appreciation.

When do we meet: Every other Wednesday Seminar. During the COVID-19 crisis meeting times are TBD.

Where do we meet: Mr. McLeod's Room: A212

Requirements: In order to be eligible for Chemistry Honors Society membership, prospective members must meet the following criteria. 

a) Prospective members must be currently or previously enrolled in an honors level chemistry course (AP Chemistry or Honors Chemistry 1).

b) Prospective members must have a semester 1, or for previous students a Semester 1 or 2 grade of 79.55% or above.

c) Prospective members must have a good behavior record and be in good standing (per MVHS handbook).

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Roles: Faculty & Staff

Abby Adams

Titles: Science Teacher
Roles: Faculty & Staff
Locations: De Soto High School

McKenna Agan

Titles: Student Nutrition
Roles: Faculty & Staff
Locations: Mill Creek Middle School

Ashley Agre

Titles: Library Media Specialist
Roles: Faculty & Staff
Locations: Mill Valley High School

Katrina Albert

Titles: Fourth Grade Teacher
Roles: Faculty & Staff
Locations: Mize Elementary

Marcella Alden

Titles: ELL Aide
Roles: Faculty & Staff
Locations: Lexington Trails Middle School

Miles Alexander

Roles: Faculty & Staff

James Allen

Titles: Custodian
Roles: Faculty & Staff
Locations: Cedar Trails Exploration Center

Shannon Allen

Titles: Third Grade Teacher
Roles: Faculty & Staff
Locations: Horizon Elementary

Hillary Allison

Titles: First Grade Teacher
Roles: Faculty & Staff
Locations: Prairie Ridge Ellementary

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